What our community is saying…


"Last year when my doctor told me that losing weight may improve my overall health in preparation for pregnancy, I decided to join this program and really commit to making a change.

​Now, after 3 months and 20 pounds lighter, I feel happier, healthier, my clothes fit better, I’m sleeping better, and I’m eating a more balanced and more nutrient-dense diet.

​I never thought that success could actually feel so simple and that I could actually succeed while living my life on my terms at the same time. I’ve never had a better relationship with food than I do now. This program has truly changed my life.”

- Lauren, lost 20 lbs and counting

Hannah's understanding of nutrition is remarkable and exceptional.  She provides a guilt-free zone of being yourself while providing ongoing support when you have questions or struggling. 

With Hannah's coaching and advice, I was able to slowly but surely improve my eating habits (without feeling like I was missing out or starving myself).  And I lost 12 lbs in the first 3 months and started exercising more! I have learned more about nutrition in 3 months than I have my whole life.

— Elizabeth M., Plant-Forward Method Client (lost 25 lbs and counting)

There are so many diets out there today that I really had no idea which diet was the best for me to lose weight... After finishing this program, I appreciate having a good understanding of what I need to do and how to stick with it! 

— Rozalind K., Plant-Forward Method Client

Working with Hannah for 3 months was exactly what I needed to help change my outlook on healthy eating habits for long lasting results. I loved her science-based approach, being in healthcare myself, and now 9 months later I’m at my body’s ideal weight, and maintaining it! Previously, my weight inevitably returned (sometimes even more than before) after each “fad diet” I attempted. With Hannah’s science-based and personally catered approach to my individual needs and goals, I have been able to learn to listen to my body and understand what I need in order to feel and look my best! I now enjoy my weekend trips away and can make healthy choices while still enjoying my time (and yes I’ve finally learned carbs and wine get to join the weekend trips too, phew)! I am so thankful for Hannah’s knowledge and gentle yet encouraging approach towards a healthier and happier relationship with food!

— Kristin Z., Plant-Forward Method Client (lost 17 lbs and maintaining)

Hannah’s support and helping me set goals made a HUGE difference in my relationship with food & health. I'm the type of person who needs to be held accountable when making adjustments in health (and fitness) and she changed my life by helping me with this. I tend to be hard on myself too with eating and she gave me all the advice and comfort to change my mindset. 

There's no strict dieting, no calorie deficit, just teaching you how to eat better and understanding your portions. Hannah is amazing, informative, supportive and very educated with any questions and help you need. If you're ready to learn to make a change, she's ready to change your life! :)

— Elizabeth S., Plant-Forward Method Client

This program blew my mind away and was definitely worth the investment to turn your life around!! Hannah is so wonderful and personable and I've gained an amazing friend in the process. I'm a vegan, so plant-based eating was something I was already doing but I needed more guidance on how to eat better as a vegan. She helped me learn how to eat better and portion my plate which was something I needed a lot of help with.

— Erica S., Plant-Forward Method Client

After 4 months, my total cholesterol is normal again, going from 203 to 189! My LDL [bad cholesterol] is normal again as well, from 137 to 99!

— Cathy B., Plant-Forward Method Client (lost 20 lbs)

Before investing in nutrition coaching, I had hopped on and off different diet trends and nothing ever stuck… I tried calorie counting, intermittent fasting, you name it. In the back of my mind, I was always waiting for the time when I could “go back to normal eating” and none of it felt like something I could do for my whole life. I would not eat all day and “save up” my calories for one meal, only to feel totally out of control and binge when I finally ate. This happened over and over again as my weight continued to increase.

With Hannah’s method, I finally feel like I can include all foods in my lifestyle, while still having the structure I need to see weight loss success. With her portions model and focus on nourishing my body, I never felt like I craved going back to “normal eating” like I used to, because this became my new normal.

After feeling so restricted, it’s crazy to feel like I’m eating so much more food, so much more often, and still losing weight week after week. This is finally something that I know I can stick with for life. If you’re looking for an easy and intuitive program that will become a lifestyle you won’t want to stop, this is it!

— Tara P., Plant-Forward Method Client (lost 46 lbs and counting)

Learn more about Hannah’s signature method for plant-forward weight loss!